
// Profile: Artist An Te Liu

The taiwanese architect and artist An Te Liu works inherently explore the aesthetic of mass-produced commercial and urban design forms.

Three65 design are advocates of generating built form through sustainable methods. The work ‘Cloud I-II’ by  An Te Liu highlights the short life-span of today’s consumer products. The work ‘Cloud II” is comprised of seventy six air purifiers hanging from the ceiling that bear uncanny resemblance to the sci-fi architecture depicted in films. The installation piece also references the modernist apartment blocks of Le Corbusier where purity and cleanliness were underlying design agendas.

The art piece prompts Three65 design to consider  the air we artificially breathe, how we live with it, and how we might really clean it {or not}.

The fact that we use air conditioners to purify our air through machines is a provocative  and fundamental inquiry.

Cloud II, 2009. {Air purifiers, ionizers, sterilizers, washers, humidifiers, ozone air cleaners; 76 units running continuously.}

For more recent work check out An Te Liu’s site specific installation ‘Title Deed’ 2009 a life-size Monopoly house built as a monument to the credit crunch.

{Watch This Space}

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